

The Game Changers (2018)

The Game Changers is a 2018 documentary film that looks at the benefits of plant-based eating by covering multiple success stories of athletes and touching on other supporting arguments that extend to non-athletes. The film is well documented and provides a lot of references to scientific studies. The documentary follows former UFC fighter James Wilks who, following a debilitating injury, researches nutrition and travels the world to discuss his findings with elite athletes who have made the switch to plant-based diets with successful and off the charts results. Athletes interviewed in the film include Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dotsie Bausch and Patrik Baboumian.

This documentary firstly debuted at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2018, with a second edit released worldwide for a one-day screening in September 2019. The film has over a dozen executive producers, including James Cameron, Pamela Anderson, Rip Esselstyn, Jackie Chan and Brendan Brazier.[3]

The Game Changers is currently available on Netflix.

Food Choices (2016)

In this fascinating documentary we follow filmmaker Michal Siewierski as he looks at many misconceptions about food and diet. Well researched and packed with interviews with world-renowned experts, including Dr. T Colin Campbell, Dr. Richard Oppenlander, Rich Roll, Joe Cross, Dr. John McDougall, Capitan Paul Watson, Dr. Toni Bark, Dr. Pam Popper, Dr. Michael Greger, Gloria Athanis and several others, it explores the impact that food and dietary choices have on people’s health as well as the impact that this has on our planet and it’s animal species.

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